Don Blankenship, former CEO of Massey Energy Company and candidate for U.S. Senate, released today the second ad in a series of ads that will highlight his professional and political accomplishments, and community involvement.

“Don Blankenship for Senate” also issued an explanation of the campaign’s ad. The ad features Pastor Mike Bostic expressing his feelings about Don Blankenship’s three decades of positive engagement to help the less fortunate in West Virginia.

Blankenship is known to have done more for needy children in West Virginia than most any other individual. His contributions for the benefit of children alone (both corporate and personal) total in the millions and millions of dollars. He is most noted for the building of children’s playgrounds and for providing gifts and food packages for thousands of children including the Christmas just passed. Blankenship first began providing food and gifts for children at Christmas time in 1984 and he has done so every year for 33 years. 

Among Blankenship’s creative approaches to helping needy children was a “Spousal Group.” The “Spousal Group” was primarily the wives of company employees who wrapped and delivered gifts to needy children at Christmas time and to the elderly in nursing homes at Easter. He also funded a facility building for the elderly and a gymnasium for the Catholic Church. He has also provided scholarship funds for children through Churches in West Virginia as well as having funded numerous athletic teams and events.

Blankenship also spent hundreds of thousands of his own money advocating for the elimination of the West Virginia sales tax on food. An effort that ultimately raised public awareness of the issue to the point that the West Virginia legislature eliminated the tax. The elimination of the food tax saves West Virginia families an estimated $200 million dollars each year.

Blankenship has also been an active donor to the National Right to Life organization. He is also proud to have led the effort to defeat former West Virginia Supreme Court Judge Warren McGraw in 2004. The Judge had permitted the release of a convicted pedophile from prison and had not only allowed but ordered that the pedophile work at a school. Once released the pedophile was later arrested again for possession of drugs and traveling with another 16 year old minor while on probation.

Blankenship considers children to be the most helpless victims of Senator Manchin’s failures in the Senate. Don hopes to increase public awareness that children must be the first focus of government else we all lose our dignity and our right to claim we are a compassionate and caring people.
